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Event Form

Need to edit an event?
Please only add an end date if your event spans multiple days.
Summary should be 1-2 sentences max and provide an overview.
These are 2-4 word phrases. Example: "face painting for kids"
You may provide a few paragraphs of text here and expand upon anything in the summary, highlights, or anything else not previously mentioned.
Please list the ESI Member's name or the non-member business/location. Example: Harrison County Park
This number will be posted online for website visitors to call if they have additional quesitons.
This email will be posted online for website visitors to email if they have additional questions.
Is there a URL where the visitor may go to learn more?
Provide your email address for receipt, posting notification, or questions.
You may upload up to 6 photos for this event. You may use a photo upload field to attach a flyer if available.

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